Selecting ALL or multiple objects in a map is helpful if you want to make concurrent changes to multiple objects / nodes.

1. Select All:
  • Ctrl+A (Cmd+A will also work for Mac)
    • Click the Paintbrush icon (formatting tool) on one object
    • Make changes to text color/size; fill color; border color/size
2. Select All, Deselect some:
  • Ctrl+A (Cmd+A will also work for Mac)
  • Command (Hold), click each node to deselect

3. Select more than one object:

  • Ctrl (Hold) - click each object you want to make formatting changes to (or <shift-command> on Mac)
    • Click the Paintbrush icon (formatting tool) on one object
    • Make changes to text color/size; fill color; border color/size


A. To add the same text to all of the selected objects:

  • Edit or add the text to ONE of the selected objects, click away when finished
    • All of the selected objects will now have the same text
    • NOTE: this action will overwrite any existing text