We've added six brief (and silent) quick-start-style videos on Map Builder basics.

The first time you access Map Builder, the videos will auto-start.  After that you may access the videos via the Map Builder menu.

Screenshot of TMLC's Map Builder menu


Topics covered are:

1. Adding a new Exercise (Map) and selecting the type of map you want to build

2. Using the Format Panel (aka Properties) to add details and enhance your maps

3. Using the Idea Generator to add ideas and frame text to your maps + what landing zones look like

4. The Left Navigation Panel -- which shows you all of the maps and writing windows contained in a single Exercise.

  • NOTE:  you can move the items in the Navigation Panel as well.  Click this link for details:  Re-order maps & writing windows
  • COMING UP: UNDO DELETION of maps or writing windows in the Navigation Panel

5. Object Action Buttons in the Format Panel -- a high level overview of all those buttons and what they do

6. A high level overview of the panel of buttons and the text field in the panel right above the map area

There are 2 ways to EXIT the Getting Started Tutorial videos:

1.  Follow the instructions at the very end of the video series

Screenshot from TMLC's Map Builder Getting Started video

2. Click (or tap) outside of the video area anytime:

Screenshot from TMLC's Map Builder Getting Started video